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Wed, 04 November 2020
Tips for Reopening your Swimming Pool!🧐

Starting up your facility again can take a few days. In Victoria our facilities have been closed for several months and to ensure you open your doors adhering to government protocols and for the safe participation of all your clients we have put together a few tips to get you on your way.

  • Disinfect and clean all surfaces
  • Return the filtration system to its original run time 24/7
  • Check filters and pump baskets and clean if required.
  • Return the dosing system to its original state of operation, increase set point levels and outputs.
  • Reinstate heating systems
  • Reinstate the SDS if required
  • Remove the blanket and allow the pool to ‘breathe’
  • Test the pool water and balance if required

We strongly recommend starting the pool at least a week before use in case any potential maintenance issues arise.

To read more....